USA Rice Launches Sustainability Attitude Survey

Jennifer-James, headshot
USA Rice Sustainability Committee Chair Jennifer James
Oct 24, 2016
ARLINGTON, VA – The concept of sustainability is clearly a driving force in our society today, and it’s one that businesses, industries, individuals, and government agencies are trying to get their heads around and define.  In pursuit of a better understanding of what sustainability means to and for the U.S. rice industry, USA Rice is launching a quick online survey that is linked below.

“Sustainability means different things to different people, and while there are a lot of organizations and interests moving their definition and vision of sustainability forward, we think it’s important to first see if we as an industry are on the same page with each other,” said Jennifer James, an Arkansas rice farmer and chair of the USA Rice Sustainability Committee.  “You need to learn to walk before you can run, and this survey is designed to tell us whether you’re running, walking, flying, or not sure what to do.”

James said the simple survey consists of just seven questions, all but one of which are multiple choice or true/false.

“Our survey will take less than 10 minutes, but the insight it provides will be invaluable,” James said.  “I encourage everyone who reads the Daily to take it, and to forward it to friends and family – producers, millers, exporters, merchants, equipment and seed dealers, food company employees, media, and government employees – we want to know what these terms mean to you.”

The survey can be found here and will be kept live for a limited time.