Promotion Campaign in Taiwan Targets Consumers Online and In-Person

Woman stands behind USA Rice retail display in grocery store
Promotion marathon yields impressive results
Oct 05, 2022
TAIPEI, TAIWAN – USA Rice recently wrapped up a two-month consumer awareness campaign at Carrefour Hypermarkets and PX Mart supermarkets in the metro Taipei region of northern Taiwan.  The multifaceted campaign included online social media posts, a dedicated webpage, press release distribution, point of purchase promotional materials, and 56 days of in-store promotions.
Facebook posts achieved a reach of 348,314 and 451 engagements; the campaign’s website garnered 2,132 visits; and the press release, featuring a high-quality image of U.S. rice, was published on more than 21 media online platforms and attracted 80,000 page views.  

“The in-person contact at the retail level plus the in-depth social media communication, reached approximately 60,000 consumers,” said Jim Guinn, USA Rice director of Asia promotion programs.  “The campaign successfully attracted nearly 500,000 target audience impressions with positive messages about U.S. rice.”

Taiwan is the third largest market for U.S. rice in Asia, now purchasing predominately medium grain rice from the mid-south.  In the first half of 2022, Taiwan imported 43,000 MT valued at more than $28 million.