Leadership Program

2024 Selection

Leadership applications and recommendations will be accepted July 8 – September 6, 2024.  For more information, please contact Program Director, Steve Linscombe, slinscombe@usarice.com, 337-296-6858.

About the Program

The Rice Leadership Development Program is funded by grants from John Deere Company, RiceTec, American Commodity Company, and Supreme Rice to The Rice Foundation. The USA Rice Federation develops and manages the program on behalf of The Rice Foundation.

The Rice Leadership Development Program gives future leaders a comprehensive understanding of the rice industry, with an emphasis on personal development and communication skills. The class attends four one-week sessions over a two-year period that encompasses studies of all aspects of the rice industry through firsthand observations. They also attend seminars and workshops designed to strengthen leadership skills. 

A special committee of rice industry and agribusiness leaders evaluate applications, letters of recommendation, as well as conduct personal interviews to determine the four rice producers and three individuals from rice-industry related professions who will make up the Rice Leadership Development Class.

International Leadership Session

A one-week international session has been added for graduates of the program who have, since graduation, applied their leadership skills to industry service. A committee of rice industry and agribusiness leaders will evaluate applications and select alumni to participate in the session. The number of participants will be determined annually based on projected expenses to travel to the selected location.