Association between Rice Consumption and Selected Indicators of Dietary and Nutritional Status
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes grains, in particular whole grains, as part of a healthy diet. However, specific grains are not mentioned. This study examined rice consumption and nutrient intake, diet quality, and body mass index. Rice consumers, both children and adults, were found to have a significantly higher intake of nutrients, such as iron, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, zinc, and folate, compared to non-rice eaters. Rice consumption was also found to result in a smaller waist line and decreased risk of being overweight or obese. The research determined that rice consumption results in significant positive diet, health, and nutrition impacts. 
Satiety Response of White and Brown Rice Compared to Glucose Control
This research compared satiety—or a sense of satisfaction and fullness—in white rice, brown rice, and glucose beverage, a standard substance used for comparison in weight management and satiety studies. The research found no difference between brown and white rice. However, both were found to provide more satisfaction and sense of fullness compared to the glucose beverage, providing more proof that rice is an important part of a healthy diet.
Colonic Health Improvement Through Rice Bran
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women. This research evaluated rice bran’s potential to reduce colon cancer markers in rats. It also aimed to develop and evaluate different manufacturing processes that increase the health benefits of rice bran. The rice industry has long been aware of the numerous health benefits provided by rice bran, and this study further pinpointed specific benefits in a very important area of human health.
Investigation of Rice Starch Moleculer Structure to Slow Starch Digestion Rate and Lower Glycemic Response
This project examined current U.S. rice varieties to identify any that provide a low glycemic index (GI) and understand if rice can be altered to moderate the rate of starch digestion and achieve a lower rice GI. This could lead to health benefits for consumers as low GI and slowly digestible food moderate blood glucose levels, important benefits for diabetics and pre-diabetics, and can help with cardiovascular disease and obesity. A slower glucose release is also associated with sustained energy levels, increased mental acuteness, and feeling full and satisfied longer. Researchers found a molecular basis for slowly digestible starch and low GI properties in U.S. rice varieties that can be used in the development of a breeding strategy to produce these rice types. Rice varieties with these characteristics could provide significant dietary benefits for U.S. rice consumers who eat them, as well as positive impacts to the U.S. rice producers who grow them.