Farewell Steve!

Steve Hensley, headshot
Steve Hensley
Aug 03, 2016
ARLINGTON, VA -- USA Rice Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs Steve Hensley has accepted a position with the National Cotton Council managing their science and environmental issues.  Friday is his last day with USA Rice.  

The staff celebrated Steve’s thirteen-year tenure at USA Rice today at a luncheon in the Arlington office.  In commemorating Steve’s accomplishments, USA Rice President & CEO Betsy Ward said, “I know you all share in my sincerest thanks to Steve for his commitment and dedication to USA Rice.  He has been a key contributor, helping to navigate USA Rice through some of the industry’s biggest regulatory issues over the years, and working to bring sustainability to the forefront.”

Ward added, “Steve has written countless comments to the EPA and USDA.  I think one of our members put it best recently when he said Steve has an exceptional ability to communicate complex and technical information in plain English.  We’ll miss that and him!”