New Cookbooks in Mexico in Time for the Holidays

Mexico Holiday Cookbook cover, turkey with rice stuffing spilling out
All we want for Christmas
Dec 04, 2018
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- Last week, USA Rice presented two new holiday publications, a cookbook “Arroz de Fiesta” (Festive Rice) and a booklet “Arroz Navideño” (Christmas Rice), to more than 45 guests including representatives from publishing companies, professional chefs, culinary schools, government and private organizations, the host of the Arroz Gourmet TV show, and staff from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Trade Office.
Both publications offer a variety of Christmas recipes, including appetizers, salads, main courses, desserts, and holiday rice stuffing that readers can easily prepare.  The publications provide valuable tips to ensure perfect rice dishes every time, and are sold nationwide at magazine stands and at Walmart.
“All of the attendees expressed strong support for our program,” said Gaby Carbajal, USA Rice contractor who oversees promotion programs in Mexico.  “They each shared their experiences and testimonials about U.S. grown rice, the importance of rice for consumers and in the foodservice industry, as well as the impact of USA Rice activities on their industry.”
“It has been a great journey for us to work with USA Rice,” said German Flores, president of the Mango Publishing Company.  “We started publishing specialized rice cookbooks many years ago, when the public was not aware of rice’s great versatility.  Their knowledge was very limited but now, thanks to a continuous effort, the demand for rice recipes is great.  In the past three years we published a second edition of some very popular editions, such as the one produced by the culinary students.”
Patricia Benavides, host of Arroz Gourmet (Gourmet Rice) TV shows said she notices a major increase of rice usage in restaurant menus.  “The chefs that participate in our shows feature at least three rice dishes on the regular menus, highlighting the versatility of rice.  Using rice in their menus they can increase their profits and offer delicious and trendy dishes to their customers.”