
USA Rice’s Rice Eating Occasions Report profiles the rice category and sub-categories (white, brown, and flavored rice) to provide consumption and behavioral data for adult, teen, and kid rice consumers. The research presents a comprehensive picture of rice eating occasions that answers the Who, When, Where, What, and Why of rice consumption.

Rice consumption information found in this report include:

  • Demographics (e.g., generation, gender, race/ethnicity, children in HH, region, division, education and income levels, etc.)
  • Who was present, where occasion took place 
  • Top foods/beverages consumed, cuisine type
  • Cooking/preparation method
  • Need states (including top considerations, emotional context, and occasion characteristics)
  • Daypart; snack vs. meal
  • Planning and sourcing (e.g., decision time frame, purchasing time frame, trip type, retail channel)


This research was compiled by The Hartman Group in partnership with USA Rice using Hartman’s Eating and Drinking Occasions Compass, a comprehensive and nationally representative database reflecting American eating patterns, behaviors, choices and motivations, grounded in a complete survey-based enumeration of past-24-hour meals and snacks followed by profiling of randomly selected occasions. 

The database includes over 128,000 respondents and captures more than 190,000 adult eating occasions plus an additional 44,000 teen and child occasions.

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Access to the Rice Eating Occasions Report is only available to USA Rice members.  Please login to access this information.

For non-member inquiries about the Rice Eating Occasions Report, contact Cameron Jacobs at cjacobs@usarice.com.